Tammy Dunehew, RNC-OB

Tammy Dunehew, RNC-OB

RN, RNC-MNN - Adventist Health

Nursing chose me! I have dedicated a part of myself to Maternal-Child Health Nursing since 1995! A stepping stone turned into a lifelong career! I started out as a home health aid after working a summer in the environmental services department at my hometown hospital. In high school, I completed my certified nursing assistant course and fell back on that as an 18-year-old needing health insurance. With the compassion, love, and guidance of several senior nurses, I went on to become a Licensed Vocational Nurse and then transitioned to a Registered Nurse. Becoming certified in my specialty has been one of my proudest moments. I love to encourage, support, and uplift fellow and future nurses! I firmly believe Nursing is a calling and a gift to those who answer.

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