Fertility Nurse, Cassidie Thomas
The Conversing Nurse podcastJanuary 31, 2024x
01:08:2046.96 MB

Fertility Nurse, Cassidie Thomas

Cassidie Thomas is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. This week, I had a conversation with her about fertility nursing, which is a fascinating field that I knew little about until now.
I learned that fertility nurses take care of a diverse group of patients, including couples who struggle with infertility, egg donors, individuals, surrogates, and cancer patients who want to preserve their eggs for future use. These patients often undergo hormone treatments and surgical procedures, and they are going through emotionally challenging times. Therefore, if you want to pursue a career in fertility nursing, you need to have a high level of emotional intelligence.
I could hear Cassidie's enthusiasm as she spoke about the importance of building rapport and maintaining relationships with people who are facing major life changes.
And speaking of major life changes, Cassidie herself is a few months away from becoming a DNP-FNP! She pursued this goal so that as a school nurse consultant, she’ll be instrumental in educating school nurses on the mental health needs of students. In the five-minute snippet: Hot feet? She's got a remedy for that! For Cassidie's bio, visit my website (link below).
American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Nurse Certificate Course in Reproductive Medicine
NASM Conference
WIN Conference
Cassidie's LinkedIn

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