Christina Gagnon

Christina Gagnon

I’m an adult micro preemie survivor, born in the Fall of 1986. I’ve overcome challenging obstacles from deadly diseases and infections that could’ve killed me in an instant when I was an infant. I spent my residency in the NICU for 212 days. After I went home, I was immediately greeted by therapists when we got home. My parents put me on a school bus at two so I wouldn’t fall back mentally. When I was five, I needed to have scar revision surgery due to a keloid from an infected IV site. After the surgery was completed, I had PTSD. Throughout my childhood & adolescence, I had a number of doctor appointments. During my adulthood, I met the doctor who delivered me, he told me that he tells my story to all of his patients. I’m also in very close contact with my NICU doctor & nurses from Baystate Hospital.

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